Monday, August 22, 2016

The flowers dangled in a jar. The sun shone down just hitting the pedals, lighting up the room with a new warmth. The fresh frost holding its place on the windows trying not to be erased within the shining sun. A large green bubble formed as the teenage girl sat in the chair making an extra dramatic pop and proceeding to chew as obnoxiously as she could. "Alexandra, Ms Tate will see you now." the secretary stated with a smirk. Alexandra gritted her teeth dispising anyone who would call her anything but "Alex." "Oh and you can spit that gum out now." She said in a dry tone. Alex entered Ms Tate's office which was filled with motivational posters urging kids to "Dream big!" and "Shoot for the stars!". She clearly had a lot of work to do as her desk seemed to be sinking under a mass of papers. "Hello Alex, and how are we today?"

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