Wednesday, April 12, 2017

lost and wandering

It felt like someone had taken a great axe to my chest and my heart was sitting in a pool of its on muddled mess. A crack had formed and oozed out of it were the contents of my love. And now a shallow beat was all that was left. How can one feel so alone in such a great and giant world… Yet knowing I couldn’t be the only one feeling this way. Never the less I persisted and with each day conquered all fears. Fears of failing. Fears of falling. Fears of death. Fears of the great depth of sadness that fought to take over my mind. Fears of the world and destruction it was capable of and willed every day. Fears of the great destructors who chose hate and and power. Fears of the ever powerful God whose love never ceased but yet shook me timid. Fears that I woud fail him.

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