Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Report Card.

Today I recieved my report card. An A, B, B, and C+. For grade 11 those are decent marks. In fact looking at my past grades those are my best grades to date. But I would say this report card bogged me down the most. I felt little satisfaction in them. For a short moment I was pleased but that was all, nothing more, nearly 3 months of effort and that is what I recieved, a single piece of paper with a few comments and letter grades. 3 months! 3 months! And that was it? a piece of paper. enraged, with an urge to crumple it in to a ball and throw it off the earth. I keep asking myself is it all worth it, and I guess/hope in the end it is, because in this moment I am filled with such discouragement. A longing to quit sits in me, but with one report card left, I need, must, have to continue...

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