Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Report Card.

Today I recieved my report card. An A, B, B, and C+. For grade 11 those are decent marks. In fact looking at my past grades those are my best grades to date. But I would say this report card bogged me down the most. I felt little satisfaction in them. For a short moment I was pleased but that was all, nothing more, nearly 3 months of effort and that is what I recieved, a single piece of paper with a few comments and letter grades. 3 months! 3 months! And that was it? a piece of paper. enraged, with an urge to crumple it in to a ball and throw it off the earth. I keep asking myself is it all worth it, and I guess/hope in the end it is, because in this moment I am filled with such discouragement. A longing to quit sits in me, but with one report card left, I need, must, have to continue...

Monday, April 26, 2010

Day Dream. Snap.

You dream of being an artist, a fancy photographer, a traveller. A creator of pockets of imaginations. To live on the beach, or a house in Paris. To drink expensive wines while eating foreing cuisine. To listen to the music, move your feet and sway to the beat. To be known, admired, loved. Maybe this is not your dream, maybe its just an image to be longed. Snap- reality just called me. Lets follow our own feet, maybe we will end up in a foreign country, taking photos, admiring their culture. But maybe not, so lets be content in the present.

The Mighty Stand

I have forgotten the beautiful landscape that I am surrounded with. Giants. Magestic mountains stand tall, meeting the lines of the sky. I find peace within these stilled giants. I'm sure you would as well...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Rythems of Life..

You hop in your car, take off in a turtle speed, accelerating to the maximum potential on the quiet neighborhood street. You follow the guidlines, the signs, warnings, and street lights. A curve here and there and an urched stop, and your ride is done. Your a tad over the line but none to worry about. And off to the everyday rythem. A beat familiar to all. A bell, a bustle, a lesson, an assignment. Again, again, lunch, again, again, end. The end a relief for seconds, until you feel the mound of homework weighing your bag. Finish, eat, relax, sleep. Again.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

First Post

Dear Readers

This is officially my first post. I've never blogged befor. But a craving to empty my meaningless thoughts has been pinching at me for some time. And so I've turned to blogging. As you will notce I am not a good writer, but nontheless this is MY blog so bare with me.

Where to begin? I guess I shall start by introducing myself and giving you (whom ever you are) a bit of background information...

Well first off my name is Sophia, I'm seventeen, and live in a small town in BC, Canada. I've two older sisters, a foster brother, foster sister, two wonderful parents, a dog and of course a cat. Theres the general information for ya.
