Sunday, November 21, 2010

word up.

There are so many different ways to write. There are short stories, biographies, novels, poems, songs, diary’s, memoirs. The list goes on. Words, scribbled across page after page. Words ring throughout the world in hundreds of varieties. How does one begin to write a book when the worlds written or said everything that’s needed to be said? What can I say that will be unique? What do I have to offer? I’m a simple and complex human. I have thoughts that run with the sun and the moon. But how can my words even come close to interesting. Who am I? What is Interesting? All words seem to be tainted, tainted from past lips. Passed down and reformed to fit each individual. A thought is the closest thing I have to being simply me. Although it is influenced by its surroundings it is also unique in this. But a Thought is kept to one’s self. It can be shared, but in its most simplest from can only be in the mind of the thinker. So how do you portray yourself without the world tainting you, splashing you with its influence?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A list of extraordinary things to do when bored

• Do a repaint of the Mona Lisa
• Color yourself happy
• Create a new language
• Make a giant sized cookie
• Invent an awesome list of 20 Qs and ask them to everyone who calls
• Attempt to invent suction shoes to walk upside down
• Give yourself a new haircut
• Try to put on as many t-shirts as possible
• Attempt to find the phone number of someone famous
• Invent a miniature city out of multi-colored marshmallows
• Do a wicked air guitar solo to the next person you see
• Attempt to count backwards from a million
• Write a brilliant laugh-so hard you pee your pants knock-knock joke
• Defy gravity
• Stick a cookie on your forehead
• Build a rocket ship
• Have a water chugging contest
• Try to beat a Guinness World Record
• Attempt to do a back flip, then front flip
• Spin until your dizzy
• Learn to converse with your dog
• Clap your hands for the next person you see
• Dig a hole till you find treasure
• Build a boat out of paper count the seconds it lasts floating
• Play a prank
• Catch a scare on cam
• Count the stars
• Face paint…your entire visible body
• Learn an instrument
• Puddle jump
• Dance outrageously…in the middle of a store
• Build a robot
• Grow a mustache
• Smile till your face goes numb

Sunday, November 14, 2010

words from a silent mouth

Satisfaction in our fiction minds.
Where is our release found?
In our chaotic, crazed world?
Crap TV
Dazed Minds
Static in the ears
bound to our delirous thoughts.